Virtual Co-op Placements with 3rd-year Bachelor of Architectural Studies and 1st-year Master of Architecture Students

ARCH 0300 or ARCH 5925
Laurentian University
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
Administrative Assistant
  • June 15, 2020
    Experience start
  • June 20, 2020
    Mid-project status check
  • July 11, 2020
    Mid-placement status check
  • August 8, 2020
    Experience end
3/2 project matches
Dates set by experience
Preferred companies
Construction, engineering & trades
Information technology Operations Project management
building and construction knowledge design detail oriented initiative professionalism
Learner goals and capabilities

Virtual Co-op Placement Opportunities

Bring on one more students from Laurentian University's McEwen School of Architecture (located in Sudbury, Ontario) to be your virtual employees! Student teams (third year students led by one Masters student) will work on a design competition of your choosing over the placement period, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools. This design competition project is a project students must complete in teams, for their corresponding co-op course (ARCH 0300 for third year and ARCH 5925 for Masters students)

Our students are available anywhere from 420 to 560 hours (approximately 30-40 hours per week) of virtual work, for the duration period required in order to successfully submit a design competition entry on your behalf. Students should receive some remuneration for their work.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, student project work will only occur virtually.

Any level
35 learners
420 hours per learner
Learners self-assign
Teams of 4
Expected outcomes and deliverables

Deliverables will vary depending on the scope of the project. Students should complete a minimum of 180 hours with your organization by July 10, 2020. Deliverables will be assessed both by the firm supervisor as well as the co-op course instructor.

Example of deliverables for a design competition entry (firms whose requests are approved will be provided with an additional document containing specific details regarding requirements for each deliverable):

Part 1 – Competition Choice – DUE June 8th

Part 2 – Project Understanding – DUE June 15th

Part 3 – Short research paper on architectural competitions – DUE – June 22nd

Part 4 – Conceptual Strategy for Submission – DUE June 29th

Part 5 – Design Development – DUE July 10th

Part 6 – Upload Final Design Boards - DUE date TBA

Project timeline
  • June 15, 2020
    Experience start
  • June 20, 2020
    Mid-project status check
  • July 11, 2020
    Mid-placement status check
  • August 8, 2020
    Experience end
Project Examples

Students can complete a substantial design competition submission for your architecture firm or design company over the placement period. We suggest that one member of your architecture firm or design company commit to being the overall supervisor of the student team submission, liaising on a regular basis with the student team leader as well as the co-op course instructor(s).

Design Competition examples that students can complete may include, but are not limited to:

Sudbury 2050 ( - Submissions due Aug. 28, 2020

This competition offers the opportunity for students to think creatively about our city’s complete urban core. The goal of the Urban Design Ideas Competition is to explore a wide range of options and opportunities for the evolution of the city’s urban core and to ultimately set out urban design principles, that will guide its future development. You are ideally situated to submit innovative ideas for the Sudbury 2050 competition that is being hosted by our school.

Warming Competition ( – Submissions due Aug. 3, 2020

How will our built environment react to rising sea levels, extended droughts, climbing temperatures, and other symptoms of global warming? How can our buildings and cities prevent the severity of natural disasters, degrading air quality, melting ice caps, and climate change at large? WARMING calls on students and professionals from the fields of architecture, planning, and design to submit projects that respond to our changing climate and the environment.

Human Kind After COVID-19 ( – Submissions due August 10, 2020

CHALLENGE. Propose a visionary project that helps to revive the economy of a region, city or community affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. In a perfect harmony of architecture, economy and environment, the competition aims to generate visionary ideas that mark the after of the pandemic and inspire different organisations to draw up a “PLAN B” for the world economy.

Other Competition Resources:

Benefits to the employer

Employers help the university produce highly productive and potential future leaders by complementing and enhancing a student’s academic study through meaningful real-world experience.

  • Students are available to work on design competition submissions, depending on employer needs.
  • Students could be assessed by employers for their ability, professionalism, and aptitude to become a potential career employee.
  • Students have completed a minimum of three years of undergraduate academic study, thereby obtaining a solid base of theory and technical skills.

Recruitment process

  • Please submit a request for a student team to work on a specific design competition on your firm's behalf, including who in the firm would act as overall supervisor and whether your firm is able to offer students any remuneration (e.g. salary, honorarium) for their work. Student teams must put in a minimum of 420 hours toward the completion of the design competition submission.
  • You can send a message to Victoria Dominico if you have any questions prior to applying. Expand the header of this page to view the message options.
  • Students will apply for projects with employers whose requests are approved; students will have recently completed their third year of the Bachelor of Architectural Studies program or are in the first year of the Master of Architecture program. Students will apply in groups, with one student serving as team lead (where possible, the team lead will be a Masters student).
Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

Architecture and/or design firms should be committed to providing a supervisor for the student team, with whom the student team leader can consult regularly regarding the design competition submission. Frequency of required consultation can be determined between the firm supervisor and the student team.

The Interim Co-op Placement Coordinator is available for a quick phone call to initiate the relationship and confirm the scope is an appropriate fit for the course. Please email and provide a phone number at which you can be reached.

The McEwen School of Architecture at Laurentian University is committed to providing both students and companies/firms with ongoing support. The primary dedicated contact is ARCH 0300 course instructor David Fortin, who is also the students' primary supervisor. He can be reached at The secondary contact is Interim Co-op Placement Coordinator Victoria Dominico. She can be reached at Students will interact virtually with their primary contact as needed.